This Web site was researched and prepared by Frank P. Boimare III.

This is bibliography of books on homeland security studies topics that I have encountered or researched. It is also a list of Web sites related to these topics. It is limited by my personal knowledge, so feel free to send me suggestions and updates at either my Tulane e-mail account or my personal e-mail account.

Note: Some of these books and Web sites represent beliefs and opinions that I do not share with the authors, but I have included them to show that there are differing points of view on many of these subjects.

There are certainly other ways these topics could be organized, so I am sure some people will take exception to my categories. I am open to consider logical, well-reasoned presentations of alternate layouts, but I am reasonably satisfied with the structural organization of this Web site.

Several of the books and/or Web sites listed fit into multiple categories. In an attempt to not artificially inflate the size of the pages in this Web site, I have listed each book only one time. Books that cover several topics in a specific section or one topic in multiple sections are listed at the beginning of the most appropriate section. If you cannot find a book listed where you expect to find it, look around the other sections. If you still cannot find it, suggest it as a possible addition to my list. I have repeated Web sites on different pages or in different sections of a page where appropriate.

Note: You should exercise caution when visiting any site on the World Wide Web (WWW)! You must have an up-to-date antivirus program and a strong firewall program to protect yourself. Do not provide any personal information unless you are absolutely certain that a site is legitimate. These warnings are especially important if you are visiting hacking or terrorist group Web sites. If a site is blocked, it is a very good idea not to try to find a way around the block no matter how "skilled" you believe yourself to be....

Acknowledgements: The following people have contributed references, Web site links, and other material and suggestions to help me improve this site: Joseph L. Molyneux, Stephen A. Nelson, Ralph R. Russo, and James H. "Jim" Simmons.